Understanding Probate in Broward County, Florida

In Florida, probate is a legal process that helps ensure your loved one's wishes are honored regarding their assets.

The court supervises this process to make sure that any outstanding debts or claims are settled and that the remaining assets are distributed to the rightful heirs.

It serves as a way to ensure everything is handled fairly and according to your loved one’s wishes, providing a clear path to transferring their property to family and beneficiaries.

Probate can feel overwhelming, especially during a difficult time. Here's an easy guide to help you understand how it works in Broward County, Florida:

Filing the Will:
When a loved one passes, the person holding the will (called the "custodian") must file it with the court in the county where the deceased lived. This needs to be done within 10 days of learning about the death, along with the date of death or the last four digits of the person's social security number.

Starting the Probate Process:
Once the will is filed, a probate case begins. The court checks the will's validity and appoints a personal representative (or executor) to manage the estate. This representative is responsible for handling all the estate's affairs.

Notifying Beneficiaries and Creditors:
The personal representative notifies everyone named in the will (beneficiaries) and any creditors (people or businesses owed money by the deceased). This allows creditors to make claims against the estate to settle any debts.

Inventory and Appraisal:
An inventory of all the deceased's assets is created, including property, money, and belongings. These assets are appraised to determine their value.

Paying Debts and Taxes:
Debts and taxes are paid from the estate's assets. This step ensures that all financial obligations are settled before distributing the remaining assets.

Distributing the Assets:
After debts and taxes are paid, the remaining assets are given to the beneficiaries as instructed in the will.

Closing the Estate:
Once everything is settled and distributed, the personal representative files a final report with the court, which then closes the probate case.

This process ensures that your loved one's wishes are honored and provides a clear path to transferring their property to family and beneficiaries.